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2018 labor law changes Form: What You Should Know
California Labor Code: Department of Industrial Relations The Department's Minimum Wage and Overtime Regulations implement the law that set minimum wage and overtime rules for California employers and do not expeditiously preempt or modify other statutory or regulatory requirements. Minimum Wage — California Department of Industrial Relations State of California Statute, Chapter 12.7, Section 1220 (f) Notice Requirements A notice must be provided to an employee on the first day of work of each shift when the employee's hourly wage rate has increased or when the minimum wage required is no longer effective. An exception is provided for a short-term layoff if the employee is discharged on the sometime of the next workday. An employee will be paid his or her regular wages on the first day of work if there is not a change in the employee's hourly rate of pay or when work resumes. Minimum Wage and Overtime — California Department of Industrial Relations Labor Code Section 1220.3 Minimum Wage, Overtime and Annual Leave of Absences— California Department of Industrial Relations The minimum wage is subject to change in accordance with the annual wage rate, overtime pay and holiday pay schedule. For an employee who is an on-call employee and who is scheduled to work a shift of not more than 8 hours or to work a weekend or holiday except a state-recognized public holiday, wages may be calculated only on an annual basis. Frequently Asked Questions: Minimum Wage and Overtime | Employment Law Center (Back to Top) Uniform Statewide Wage and Hour Laws The Uniform Minimum Wage Act (MWA), as amended through 2011, establishes statewide standards for wages and employee benefits. However, the state does have more specific laws that relate specifically to the work place. Most employers adhere to the MWA standards. For some tips, please visit the Employment Law Center Tip Line. If your employer does not automatically provide a tip pool, you may have a claim under the California Restaurant Industry Employees' Law.
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